Lake Shore Heights Listings

  Address Price Type Garage SqrFt Bdrms Exteriour Floor
7 Thomas Cove


, / Vacant Lot: 7 Thomas Cove
49,900.00 CDN $
Gorgeous lot in a private setting at the top of the cove. This high and dry .4 acre well treed property is accessible year round. Steps from the water, a close 50 minute drive from the city.

7 Thomas Cove
49,900.00 CDN $ Vacant Lot
25 South Bay


, / Vacant Lot: 25 South Bay
34,900.00 CDN $
Beautiful well treed property on a quiet bay in lake country! Located a convenient 50 minute drive from the City, you can build your dream home or cottage within an easy commute. Close enough to hear the lake!

25 South Bay
34,900.00 CDN $ Vacant Lot

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